My home group decided that for our next campaign, they'd like me to run a Labyrinth Lord game set in Yoon-Suin!

My home group decided that for our next campaign, they'd like me to run a Labyrinth Lord game set in Yoon-Suin! I've been doing setting prep and creating encounter tables, and decided to do a little sketching to try out a simple character style! I threw down a bruised club fighter, a crab-man, and a slug person.
What part of Yoon Suin is the group starting in? Any "westerners"?
ReplyDeleteWe'll be doing character creation on Tuesday, so I will report back with full character details then!
ReplyDeleteThe party will begin in the Yellow City, so there is a non-zero possibility of foreign adventurers.
Kassidy Helfant there could also be people from far away Xian - in fact, quite more likely as there is a lot of trade between the 2.
ReplyDeleteI quite like the drawings too :)
ReplyDeleteThere is a lair of 19 axolotl men and their Big Man on the coast near the Yellow City. The axolotl men have managed to unearth a collection of decently valuable gems in their mining efforts, as well as an ancient artefact. An upstart who wants to defeat the Big Man was able to figure out the artefact purely by happenstance, and now intends to assassinate the Big Man and take over!
ReplyDeleteKassidy Helfant neat! URL didn't work for me though :/
ReplyDeleteWoops! Here you go, I'll re-uploaded it.
ReplyDeleteNeat! How are the PCs getting drawn into that situation?
ReplyDeleteThat's a good question! At the very least, I'll be putting the axolotl lair down as a discoverable hex location. Perhaps the encounter begins with the ambitious underling approaching the party, out of character for the lazy and cowardly Tamasic men. He may even be a random encounter within one hex of the lair.