
Showing posts from October, 2018

Just stoping by to share my depiction on the Yellow City. Open for feedback!

I've been experimenting with a 2D6 + 19-Hex Flower game engine (it's like a random table with a memory).

The attacks in the monster blocks simply say things like 1d8/1d4/1d4 etc, with no description as to what each attack...

After flipping through it many times and stealing bits here and there I'm finally seriously using YS to put together...

Is it wrong that(for all the crap these stories tend to get) I think Yoon-Suin would make an amazing setting for a...

as some of you may know G+ days are numbered and some folks are trying to make escape in orderly fashion.

Are there wilderness and dungeon encounter tables for Yoon-Suin?

Yoon-Suin: Session 3 Recap