
Showing posts from January, 2019

I've been thinking about running 'Yoon-Suin: The Purple Land' using Scarlet Heroes.

This is a Pallas' Cat, also known as a Manul.

Here's another little mini hexcrawl map (using hex kit) covering the border between the Hundred Kingdoms and Lahag

Photo Album I add Yoon Suin inspiration/work to Heres what I...

Drew this up today using hex kit as a sample section of the eastern side of the Topaz Isles, one of my favorite...

Part 2:

Shame that G+ is going away, I just discovered Yoon-Suin and it's by far my favorite campaign setting ive ever come...

I have created a Yoon-Suin subreddit to take over from this G+ site for when Doomsday comes.